Covid19, face masks, statistics, approaches

Covid19 is a Great Unequaliser

Update, Feb. 9, 2021: We may be at the start of an entirely new pandemics!?:
Original text:

April 27, 2020 (last edited May 29)

Experts from various countries believe that the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that is causing Covid19 will not suddenly disappear as its 2002 predecessor SARS-CoV. They expect that it will stay with us, and become seasonal. It seems to be a cunning, unpredictable, and still little understood virus (see e.g. three potential futures for Covid19). We may not be able to fully control it until an efficient vaccine is developed and tested, hopefully early in 2021 (but more realistically in 18 months). In the meantime face coverings could play an important role in the protection against Covid19, especially after the current stay-at-home emergency measures will be gradually lifted. Good quality facemasks will be in demand, and making them may become also a small business opportunity.

Here are some facts about their use and efficiency:

Covid19 statistics:

Worldwide, Worldometer Canada
Worldwide, continual updates, by a 17 year old Sweden
Worldwide, World Health Organization Nicaragua
Covid-19 projections (by country, worldwide) using AI

Glimpses of dealing with the Covid19 pandemic in a few untypical countries: